26 Ways To Annoy People In Everyday Life

There are too few pranks in life. We are generally boring as a species and take everyday life far too seriously. So that’s why I strike a blow for a day in the spirit of pranks.

Stefan Woldekidan
2 min readMay 31, 2021
Photo by Kevin Jarrett on Unsplash

1. Leave the copier set at 99 copies, reduce 200%, extra dark and A3 paper.

2. Tell the service rep at a “drive-through” that you would like to take the food home with you.

3. If you have a porcelain eye, tap it occasionally with a pencil when talking to others.

4. Insist on always having the windshield wipers on “to keep them in shape”

5. Answer everything that someone says with “that’s what YOU think”.

6. Practice sounding like a modem.

7. Underline meaningless information in scientific papers and give a copy to your boss.

8. Beep when reversing.

9. Show that a conversation is over by holding your hands to your ears.

10. Utter random numbers when someone counts.

11. Staple paper in the middle.

12. Publicly explore how slow you can make squeaking noises.

13. Hoot and wave to strangers.

14. Refuse to sit in a restaurant and eat all the give-a-way candy at the cash register.


16. Write nl cnsnnts.

17. Get a lot of traffic cones and divert traffic to a dead end.

18. Repeat the following exchange of words twenty times:

“Did you hear that?”

“What then?”

“Forget it, it’s over.”

19. As often as possible, jump instead of walking.

20. Humble the introduction to William Tell, and when you are almost done, say “no, wait, I messed up!” and repeat.

21. Ask people what gender they are.

22. Sit in front of your house and point a hairdryer at passing cars to see if they are slowing down.

23. Sing along to the opera.

24. Go to a poetry evening and ask after each poem why it does not rhyme.

25. Ask your employees mysterious questions and write down their answers on a pad and mumble something about “psychological profile”.

26. Tell your friends 5 days in advance that you can not come to their party because you have a headache.



Stefan Woldekidan

A laidback singer/songwriter/author that love the creative process almost more than the outcome. Lives in Stockholm, Sweden.